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About MAD for Cancer

Over the last decade it has become evident that a tumor no longer can be regarded as only a collection of cancer cells, but constitutes an organ itself. Consequently, the only successful strategy to fight cancer will be to combine know-how from areas involving all parts of the tumor environment. The MAD for Cancer Program is a unique concept in that it brings together several different facets of c - 2025-03-11


Research FocusThe World Health Organization (WHO), states that cancer is among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with approximately 14 million new cases and 8.2 million cancers related deaths in 2012. Furthermore, the number of new cases is expected to rise by about 70% over the next 2 decades. In Sweden, someone is diagnosed with cancer every tenth minutes, which is the equ - 2025-03-11


Carl Borrebaeck, Professor Program Director Email: carl [dot] borrebaeck [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se Corinna Richter, PhD Research coordinator Email: Corinna [dot] Richter [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se Kristina Lundberg, Associate Professor Research coordinator Email: kristina [dot] lundberg [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se Cornelia Lundblad, PhD Financial Officer Email: cornelia [dot] lundblad [at - 2025-03-11

Cancer Stem Cells

Accumulating data suggests that many human tumors are organized in cellular hierarchies initiated and maintained by a small population of self-renewing so called cancer stem cells. This was first demonstrated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) but during recent years, cancer stem cells have also been demonstrated in other cancer types. These cells are not killed by conventional cancer therapy and thu - 2025-03-11


Genomics is the study of all genes in a cell or organism and has during the recent ten-year period been subject to an unprecedented development. Genes determines what proteins and other building blocks an organism will consist of. This means that ultimately the genes also determines the risk for an individual to develop different disease like cancer, since genetic abnormalities, such as mutations, - 2025-03-11


Proteomics is the study of the proteome, which is defined as the set of proteins and their modifications being expressed in a cell under defined conditions at a specific time. There are over 200 different cell types in a human body and all proteins in those cells vary with time and environmental stimuli showing the complexity of the proteome. A prototype of a liquid handling nanospray robot used f - 2025-03-11

Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy is directed against specific molecules on certain cells. The therapy, based on e.g. antibodies can function in a number of ways. The specific antibody can for example block the growth of cancer cells by interfering with specific signaling molecules, or carry a radionuclide or a toxin that can kill the tumor cell. This is in contrast to conventional therapy, such as chemotherapy, t - 2025-03-11

Molecular Diagnostics

World Health Organization (WHO) states that as many as 30% of all cancers could be cured if diagnosed earlier. One reason is that tumors in early stages more frequently are operable. They also respond better to treatments and have not yet formed metastasis. In the early 1980´s, mammography was introduced to detect breast tumors earlier, which contributed to an improved five-year survival rate of > - 2025-03-11


MAD for Cancer is a unique constellation of scientists from four different faculties at Lund University. The faculties involved in MAD for Cancer are: Link to Faculty of Engineering Link to Faculty of Medicine Link to Faculty of Social Sciences Link to Faculty of Science Contact Program Director Carl Borrebaeck, Professor E-mail: carl [dot] borrebaeck [at] immun [dot] lth [dot] se (carl[dot]borreb - 2025-03-11

Vision & Mission

VisionThe Vision for the MAD for Cancer Program is that the multifocal approach will have a major impact in the challenge of beating cancer – not only for futures generation, but for today´s!MissionThe mission for the MAD for Cancer Program is to combine expertise from different areas of cancer biology and human behaviour to be able to fight the complexity of cancer. The MAD for Cancer Program aim - 2025-03-11

Stromal Biology

Tumors are communicating organs where the cancer cells constantly communicate with the neighbouring cells within the tumor. Neighbouring cells also called the tumor stroma, is a rich provider of factors that collectively sustain tumor cell growth. This reactive stroma evidently contributes to many, if not all, aspects of tumor initiation, growth and progression and is an underestimated source of t - 2025-03-11


Cancer is a life threatening disease and thus interrupts the balance in a person´s life. It is well known that some of those who are diagnosed with cancer seemingly are more successful in processing and adapting to the life threat, the cancer, and it´s treatments, than others. This outcome cannot be explained by the severity of the cancer or the demanding treatment, but has been shown to correlate - 2025-03-11

Malmö Diet and Cancer - MDC

In the early 1990s, the Cancer Foundation initiated a large cohort study with the primary goal of investigating the relationship between diet and subsequent cancer risk. The MDC study was led by the professor of internal medicine, Göran Berglund, and the professor of epidemiology, Lars Janzon. Between 1991 and 1996, 17,000 women were recruited (born 1923-1950) and 11,000 men (born 1923-1945), whic - 2025-03-11

Data Collection - MDC

There are three different versions of the baseline questionnaire, version two is considered the main version. The questionnaire contains, among other things, questions about physical activity, medications, both prescription and non-prescription, and family diseases. Information on these issues is stored in separate files as they usually contain several rows per participant. The survey that was con - 2025-03-11

EPIC - The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

EPIC was set up to investigate relationships between diet, nutrition, lifestyle and environmental factors and the onset of cancer and other chronic diseases. EPIC is the largest study ever made of diet and health, involving over half a million people in ten European countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, United Kingdom and Sweden.Researchers at EPIC are - 2025-03-11

MDC Diet Method

The dietary method used in the Malmö Diet Cancer is specially developed for the study. The choice of method was guided by the need to estimate the total diet in a middle-aged to elderly population, where eating habits largely consisted of regular, home cooked meals with meals eaten less often outside the home. The method consists of three parts:a Menu book, that is, a 7-day food diarya Dietary his - 2025-03-11

MDC Follow-up

MDC is followed up annually against the National Swedish Cancer Register, the Regional Tumor Register in Lund, the Swedish Causes of Death Register, Statistics Sweden's Population Register to identify emigrants, the National Patient Register, as well as local and national registers for stroke and heart attack. Every year we prepare endpoint reports for cancer and causes of death, cardiovascular ev - 2025-03-11

MDC References

Definition of the cohortManjer J, Carlsson S, Elmståhl S, Gullberg B, Janzon L, Lindström M, Mattisson I, Berglund G. The Malmö Diet and Cancer Study: representativity, cancer incidence and mortality in participants and non-participants. Eur J Cancer Prev 2001;10:489-99.    Link to articleRecruitment of participantsManjer J, Elmståhl S, Janzon L, Berglund G. Invitation to a population-based cohort - 2025-03-11