Registration to CAP event part 2
Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-02-01
Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-02-01
Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-02-01
Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-02-01
Photo: Keeli Curtis Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-02-01
Are you looking for experts within the fields of biodiversity, ecosystem services, climate change and the dynamics between them? We are happy to help you find the right person. This is a list over some of the experts within BECC with representatives from Lund University and University of Gothenburg. If you do not find who you are looking for, please feel welcome to contact our communications offic - 2025-02-01
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We welcome everyone to sign up in this form for the workshop, and during the workshop take the opportunity to present your research in a poster session and with the possibility to win a poster prize! Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-02-01
On this page, we gather short mini documentaries about our research - explained by some of our scientists. How do we know......that the climate is changing?that the carbon cycle is changing?How can we manage ecosystems to mitigate climate change?WetlandsForest PolicyAgricultureBECC research to tackle the grand challenges of our timeBiodiversity under Global ChangeCarbon Cycle & Climate ChangeEcosy - 2025-02-01
Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-02-01
Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-02-01
Name (required) Email adress (required) Field of expertise Project title (preliminary) Please briefly describe your project idea/process On what spatial scale would you consider your process/system relevant [e.g., global, regional, landscape, local]: What data is available for inclusion in a model? Are there relevant papers describing the general theory around your process/system? Are you aware of - 2025-02-01
[This page is in Swedish] Det är uppenbart att många av landets gymnasieelever har mycket höga ambitioner när det gäller att forma och genomföra sina gymnasieprojekt. Varje år får vi ett antal frågor och funderingar från elever som är intresserade av att göra ett projekt inom astrofysik. Våra astronomer har tyvärr inte möjligheten att handleda gymnasieelever, men försöker ändå vara hjälpliga på - 2025-02-01
Enter your full name (required) Affiliation (required) Email (required) Would you like to contribute to the proposal work Explain how you would like to contribute Explain how you would like to contribute Explain how you would like to contribute Item weight Add more items more items Would you like to contribute science cases Add your science case here Add your science case here Add your science cas - 2025-02-01
To prepare for our upcoming move to the A400 corridor in the Physics building, the moving group is asking all members of the division (seriors, researchers, postdocs, PhD students, master students) to provide input about your working habits and your preferences when it comes to your work environment. Please submit your answer only once. If you submit multiple answers then we will assume the new - 2025-02-01
General informationIn the course you, together with your supervisor, will choose a problem in astrophysics, which you independently will study and solve. The task can be of an observational, technical or theoretical nature. It should preferentially be linked to a current research project at the department.In the course you will get the opportunity to apply your previously acquired knowledge on a s - 2025-02-01
This "internal" page is open but not in the menu structure, making it slightly harder to find. Rebeccas booking system for desks and meeting rooms:Link to booking Vote for a poster to put up in the corridor:Link to voting - 2025-02-01
Lund : 24-28 June 2024 Lund Observatory invites scientists to join the MW-Gaia Doctoral Network 2024 meeting:Register for the MWGaiaDN 2024 meetingThis project is a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network funded under grant agreement no. 101072454.The workshop is primarily aimed at PhD students to help them gain experience in using Gaia data for simulations of our Galaxy. E - 2025-02-01
Workshop ProgrammeThis project is a Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network funded under grant agreement no. 101072454.Program (confirmed speakers)June 2409:00-12:30 Session 1: Principles of Astrometry and Computation (Intro. & Chair: D. Hobbs)Lennart Lindegren, Lund Observatory: The Gaia Mission : Basic principles GaiaMission_BasicPrinciples.pdf David Hobbs, Lund Observato - 2025-02-01
David Hobbs, Lund Observatory, DinnerLennart Lindegren, Lund Observatory, DinnerAlex Mustill, Lund Observatory, DinnerPaul McMillan, University of Leicester, DinnerÓscar Jiménez Arranz, Lund Observatory, DinnerRoss Church, Lund Observatory, NoIsabella Henum, Lund Observatory, DinnerNatsuki Funakoshi, University College London, DinnerShubham Mamgain, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), - 2025-02-01
Students should register as active student participants. Other attendees are also welcome but will not be guaranteed support in the hands-on project sessions. Status message Sorry...This form is closed to new submissions. Leave this field blank - 2025-02-01